Is Your Ear Asking a Question? - Yanko Design

Actually the unique shape serves several purposes. It fits snug in your ear, easily loops together around your neck when non in use, and somehow prevents bacterial growth which is 700 times more concentrated in regular ear buds. If information technology weren't just a concept, would you buy ane?

Designer: Yoonsang Kim


  • zuy says:

    great small idea Yoonsang Kim merely employ symbol ???? and teasing for presentation…because information technology'due south hidden design …

  • zuy says:

    question : a few (young) designers never ask question or answer question or reply question people never ask. or forget to ask…

  • enoo says:

    I looks swell, I similar the idea of looping them togheter.
    But with that shape, I'm ninety% certain it volition fall of anyone'southward ears in a few minutes.

    In the photo composition, the wire goes over her jawbone, which never happens in reality – unless yous article of clothing your mp3 player stuck on your mentum …
    If the wire goes downwards to the neck level, then it volition pull on the earbuds, and certainly make them fall. They just need a tiny modify in their shape.

    • start of all… i love this blueprint. it's hit!! i do likewise like the novelty of the design and not mentioned above is the branding that is happening with the shape being a symbol for the "p" in philips. kudos! all the same- like mentioned in a higher place by enoo, the shape would likely fall with the weight of the wires. it seems that a quick fix would be to flip the right and left. then- the right becomes the left. then, information technology will hang straight downwards, which in plow makes the "p" shape readable. by the way- how exercise we contact y'all? i'd love to see more of your work.

    • gw says:

      That was my thought, too — if the wires were hanging and pulling the bottoms of each earpiece downward, would these stay securely in the ears?

  • turcco says:

    its so nice.

  • zippyflounder says:

    On the plus side the design would allow ambient noize in, not a bad thing if your running, cycling etc, not a good matter at all for any sort of audio perfomance. The blueprint would too require numerous sizes, so you would have to try out a agglomeration to find a good fit and even then a hard form in that is jammed into a senstive surface area is not going to have a lot of return buyers.

    The hygenic aspect is a no go, simpler to microencapsulate a anti bacterial in the surface of standard ear buds. The final killer is just performance, a lot of tiny (and these would be TINY) speakers exercise not perform also every bit one larger one, unproblematic physics kiddies. I

    northward the cease typical young designer falling in dearest with a form with narry a idea to role or existent performance then using some smoke and mirrors to make a bit of hype….nope its a flopper.

  • zippyflounder says:

    Rife with bug, lets explore

    The design would require that multiple sizes be offered, and the buyer try them on to detect a good fit. This is non cheap or fifty-fifty rational given the market.

    The blueprint is JAMMED into a senstive office of your ear, and given its a hard part its going to injure similar a female parent in a few moments, not great for skillful cred.

    Many little speakers dont = i big one so its going to audio like merde

    The blueprint allows for ambiant audio in, expert if your into activity sports bad if y'all similar to hear your sound with any level of fidelity.

    The hygine attribute is a ruby-red herring, if it truly is a problem, so its far eaiser to use a microencapsulation of a anti bacterial in the surface of the office.

    In sum, its a classic case of a designer fallling lin love with a course, giving little real thought to the finish user, the perfomance or reality.

    Its a flop.

  • whomiga says:

    Looks like it might work if the Left and Right ear pieces were reversed with almost no other design changes.

  • Hectorvex says:

    They're cute, but don't appear as if they'll block out any background noise. I'll accept the bacteria over having to hear my moronic co-workers babble endlessly about the latest episode of Grey's Beefcake or how their grandkids only learned to throw shit.

  • Lev_Astov says:

    That's a terrible thought. It defeats the whole purpose of in ear phones, which is to seal the ear culvert for improve sound reproduction.

    • FunkNotPunk says:

      Truthful… but just a side note, there are high-finish in-ears used in on stage audio monitoring for musicians which are designed intentionally to permit a certain level of ambience noise in along with the direct sound from the mixing lath.

      They are sweetness so you don't feel completely asunder frorm the audience. =)

    • Sam says:

      Actually, there are real products that are open-air headphones. And, in theory, they work great … if y'all're in a serenity environment.

      Merely otherwise, I agree. These would suck for being in a noisy environment, e.g. outside – which these seem to be tailored for.

  • minjae says:

    The design is lovely but
    They would need to change this fashion more..
    Who would want the wire going beyond their face like in the picture?
    and it would just fit on people with the same ear pigsty size as the earphones…

  • obvi says:

    I would buy one if it weren't from Philips. Disgruntled ex-employee opinion aside, it's a cracking design and idea. It'due south functional, advanced, and minimalist.

  • BratPAQ says:

    there would be a problem in the bass department, and if you are looking for earphones that would "stick together" panasonic hje70 already produced that.

  • Y is this just a prototype make it existent I'd buy that and I know a whole bunch of other people who would it's futur ristic if it bends to ur ear shape it's perfect because of people variation in ear size

  • Sylus says:

    Really like to encounter other one-half of user'south (funny)face.

  • roy says:

    information technology,south a skillful design, sententious but non simple!

  • AM418 says:

    I am certain that is a great design!! But information technology might simply on the conceptual stage.

    Establish out there is a difficulity of the following points.

    1. Information technology'south a quit unusual driver for this earphone, use armature driver or normal NdFeB Magnet type driver? Or have a new form of the driver?

    2. Even y'all got a driver of this earphone, pretty certain the audio-visual won't be expectable good.

    3. Will practice noting well-nigh the noise cancaeling when you wear this earphone besides everone tin can hear what y'all mind.

    4. From the ergonomics, I call up the earphone may non set as await as the jpg present. Becasue there is a force pulling from the cablevision.

    Only I am appreciate the concept give us quit alot inpiration.

  • yongzhan says:

    woo,information technology is very nice design.

  • Yoonsang Kim says:

    I'm Yoonsang Kim

    Offset, i 'm pleased whit much advice.
    This is concept pattern. therefore, some parts of my design are not realization at present.

    However, size is the same to regular earphone.
    I made epitome.

    • fang says:

      tin can i buy one?
      it is and then nice!

    • J Gunn says:

      Yoonsang – where can I buy these?

  • j2ulove says:

    wow!!!!! it's nice

  • Thomas says:

    WOw this is an awsome thought, i;d buy this in a heartbeat

  • Its very very practiced blueprint. I like it.
    How can i buy it, right now ? 🙂

  • 1st says:

    once again, it's an object designed by a student "designer" who never tried or even open an earphone… do you actually think that the speaker (well information technology's a tiny speaker wich is within all earphones) tin fit into this shape? information technology's almost 5 mm wide on this concept..

    the design is squeamish btw, but the product will be a crap… do your own conclusion

  • fang says:

    I like it.
    where can i purchase?

  • stephen says:

    This design focuses on the corrective role simply unfortunately information technology is poor on sound performance. With the tiny speaker and the space between it and the ear canal, y'all won't feel whatever bass effect and besides you will hardly hear it in noisy surround. I rather purchase a pair of ear rings.

  • Send me a Pair I'll buy them!

  • Pinhu says:

    where can i buy ane *-* ?

  • kitty says:

    hell yep i will i was actually looking to see if they were selling them ! =/ to bad is only a blueprint

  • Max says:

    For the correct price,yes i would purchase them. Simply sadly it looks like a expensive design;P anyhow they expect awsome!

  • Nami says:

    I would buy these, no question.

  • Andee says:

    i would buy for me and all my family unit ! they are amazing

  • Andee says:

    i would buy for me and all my family unit ! they are astonishing

  • misunderst0od says:

    Depending on the price and if it actually stays in my ear, I would so buy that. I freaking love the pattern.

  • misunderst0od says:

    Depending on the price and if it actually stays in my ear, I would and so buy that. I freaking love the blueprint.

  • kaj says:

    i'd buy it correct now

  • kaj says:

    i'd buy information technology correct now

  • Marc says:

    With some of the suggestions above, I would accept bought several already. This needs to graduate from a concept now.

  • Marc says:

    With some of the suggestions above, I would accept bought several already. This needs to graduate from a concept now.

  • Chrissynis says:

    In a heartbeat!!!

  • Chrissynis says:

    In a heartbeat!!!

  • Razeiel says:

    I would exist on these in a hot minute. I take my headphones with me everywhere, fifty-fifty when I'm not thinking I'll need them, and clipping them to my shirt (since I'1000 a guy and purse would just be so unconventional… >.> ) is both uncomfortable and a little odd to others. This is a magnificent solution and elegant. It also overcomes my big problem with earbuds, I detest sealing up my ears to hear what I've got playing, it's uncomfortable and apparently non hygienic.

  • Razeiel says:

    I would be on these in a hot minute. I accept my headphones with me everywhere, even when I'thou not thinking I'll need them, and clipping them to my shirt (since I'm a guy and handbag would just be so unconventional… >.> ) is both uncomfortable and a little odd to others. This is a magnificent solution and elegant. It too overcomes my big trouble with earbuds, I hate sealing upward my ears to hear what I've got playing, it's uncomfortable and obviously not hygienic.

  • snu_snu says:

    amend exist spring-loaded to fit any size ear.

  • snu_snu says:

    better exist jump-loaded to fit any size ear.

  • kevin says:

    it's very nice… where i can buy this prouct????

  • Mui says:

    I would definitely buy this. Where tin I get it?

  • Mui says:

    I would definitely purchase this. Where can I get it?

  • As putea sa va povestesc cum am incuiat masina cu cheile in porbagaj (numere de concurs erau in masina) si peripetiile prin care am trecut pana am reusit sa o deschidem, cum am privit meciul Olanda-Rusia cu sufletul la gura fara sa ne miscam din fata televizorului, cum a alergat colegul meu Florin ultimii 2Km cu piciorul luxat doar ca sa termine cursa, cum a luptat Turcia cu tarie de caracter si indarjirea caracteristica, si a ajuns in semifinale.

  • Sydney says:

    Awesome so want a pair
    Where do y'all become them ?

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