How to Delete an Uploaded File on Managebac

Hi Antoinette,

Appreciate for your request. Aye, yous can delete you file at the Teams at the File tag:

But in terms of the chat file upload history, it will remain in the teams chat, when you click that file, it so will display the file has been deleted or moved page.

Promise it helps.

Kind Regards,


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Cheers for your answer, George merely on my screen in that location is no "delete" icon - simply Open, Get link, download:

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How-do-you-do Antoinette Farrow,

Thanks for the response. Would you tell us what if yous select the file, is there any delete push button?

Kind Regards,


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Hello George

No, there is no delete pick when we (this is common to all my colleagues in the chat group) select the file/due south we desire to delete.

The only options nosotros see  (from the three dots … side by side to the Close button are:  Download, Open up in Desktop App, Open up in Browser.

When we correct click on the file we get:  Open up online, Download, Get link.

Thanks for your support.

Antoinette Farrow

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Hi Antoinette,

Give thanks yous for the quick response. You can't delete the file at the conversation history, it volition still remain the same every bit nosotros mentioned before at the first mail service. Then you tin't delte it from that chat history.

If you are refer to this:

Y'all demand to nevigate to the Files tag at the top and delte from there, once information technology is deleted, when you click that file at the chat history, you will see:

Hope information technology helps.

Kind Regards,


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Hello george ,

Well i think that is a joke nosotros should be able to delete chats i think yous should do some updating so yous can delete chats and cake people

Kind regards


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Hello George

We still cannot see any delete icon on our Files folio.  Information technology would also be useful to delete chat strings merely that is not our principal upshot at the moment.

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Hullo Antoinette,

Appreciate for your response sir. Nosotros would like to ostend with you if all the people cannot see delete icon even includes people who uploaded the file and the admin? You need editing the permissions in SharePoint. , navigate to the "Documents" library and alter the permissions on the whole document library for the site members to Edit. All Channel files for your Squad are stored in this document library in a binder that equals the name of the channel.

Please permit me know if you having further updates.

Kind Regards,


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Howdy Antoinette,

Appreciate for your response sir. We would like to ostend with you if all the people cannot run into delete icon even includes people who uploaded the file and the admin? You need editing the permissions in SharePoint. , navigate to the "Documents" library and alter the permissions on the whole certificate library for the site members to Edit. All Aqueduct files for your Squad are stored in this certificate library in a folder that equals the name of the channel.

Please let me know if yous having further updates.

Kind Regards,


Hello George

It is the case that none of our team members can delete - even the i/southward who uploaded files.  The problem, we have ascertained, is that we don't have the necessary permission levels and can simply utilize the Chat group rather than form a proper "team".

Our Head Teacher has now made united states of america a Squad and we have gear up our shared files in at that place.

However, we would still like to be able to delete the Files records from our Chat group.




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